Result of clinical trial of the medication UrinoVet Dog
Clinical trial of the medication Urinovet Dog produced by Vet Planet Ltd. was conducted in the Veterinary Policlinic and the Clinical Diagnostics Faculty of the Veterinary Medicine Department at the Warmian-Masurian University in Olsztyn. The drug was delivered directly by the manufacturer Vet Planet , Staszica Street 20 A, 05-092 Lomianki.
Material and methods
The trial, lasting from January 1st 2010 to March 31st 2010, was conducted among 44 dogs of the different sex, age and race. It was divided into two phases: in the first one, based on the clinical examination and the additional tests, ill animals were diagnosed. In the second phase the clinical efficacy of the medication Urinovet Dog was assessed. All the animals had symptoms of the lower urinary tract disorders: pollakiuria, urinary urgency, stranguria, dysuria, vocalization during urination, haematuria, periodically smelly urine, urination in the form of droplets, urinary incontinence.
The animals were divided into four groups, depending on the age and sex:
I- 10 young and middle-aged male dogs (age 2- 6 years)
II- 10 young and middle-aged female dogs (age 2.5- 7 years)
III- 14 old male dogs (8- 12 years)
IV- 10 old female dogs (9- 12 years)
The young and middle-aged animals (groups I and II) were neither castrated nor sterilized. In the III group 4 male dogs were castrated, in the IV group 5 female dogs were sterilized. The common antiparasite preventive measure and the prophylactic vaccination were carried out. Most of the animals (32) were fed with commercial fodder of different companies, dry as well
as wet food; the rest (12) was given home diet food, based mainly on the poultry meat, rice or noodles. They had a constant access to water. They were the only animals present at home. All the dogs had the clinical examinations, blood cell count tests, serum biochemical tests and the general urinalysis along with the examination of the urinary sediment. Also
ultrasonography of the urinary tract was performed.
It was concluded based on the results of the above mentioned tests, that:
Gr I- 8 male dogs – acute cystitis (I a)
2 dogs- recurrent chronic cystitis (I b)Gr II- 5 female dogs – acute cystitis (II a)
4 female dogs- recurrent chronic cystitis (II b)
1 female dog- struvite urolithiasis (phosphate-ammonium-magnesium) (II c)- status
after catheterization and cystolithotomy
Gr III- 8 male dogs- recurrent chronic cystitis (III a)
2 male dogs- struvite urolithiasis (phosphate-ammonium-magnesium) (III b)
3 male dogs- struvite urolithiasis (phosphate-ammonium-magnesium) (III c)- status
after catheterization and cystolithotomy
1 male dog- oxalate urolithiasis (III d)
Gr IV- 7 female dogs- chronic cystitis (IV a)
2 female dogs- struvite urolithiasis (phosphate-ammonium-magnesium) (IV b)
1female dog- oxalate urolithiasis (IV c)- status after catheterization and cystolithotomy
The medication UrinoVet Dog was the only one and the basic drug given to ill animals. It was administered during 3 weeks (21 days) in quantity recommended by the manufacturer- 1 tablet/ 5 kg – in case of acute cystitis (groups Ia, IIa); 1 tablet/ 5 kg during 6 weeks (42 days) – in case of chronic cystitis and urolithiasis ( groups Ib, IIb, IIIa, IIIb, IIId, IVa, IVb). The dogs
that underwent surgical treatment were given the drug in dose of 2 tablets/ 5 kg during 5 days, afterwards in dose of 1 tablet/ 5 kg during 6 weeks (42 days) (groups IIc, IIIc, IVc). The preparation was mixed with the wet food or given directly to the mouth. Health status of all the dogs, taking part in the trial, was monitored in the clinical checkup weekly.
The results of the trial
Gr I –Ia- evident improvement (EI) just after 14 days of using the preparation in all 8 dogs
Ib- evident improvement (EI) in 1 dog after 21 days, in 1 dog-slight improvement (SI)
GrII- IIa- evident improvement (EI) in 4 female dogs, slight improvement (SI) in 1 female dog
IIb- evident improvement (EI) in 3 female dogs, slight improvement (SI) in 1 female dog
IIc- evident improvement (EI) after 5 days of use of the drug in higher dose (2 tablets/5kg) for 5 days; evident improvement (EI) after the next 6 weeks of using the drug (dose 1 tablet/ 5 kg). The female dog has been still given the medicament in the maintenance dose (1tablet/ 10 kg)
Gr III- IIIa- evident improvement (EI) in 5 male dogs, slight improvement (SI) in 1 male dog, lack of improvement (LI) in 2 male dogsIIIb- evident improvement (EI) in 1 male dog, slight improvement (SI) in 1 male dog IIIc- evident improvement (EI) in 2 male dogs (they have been still given the drug in the maintenance dose 1 tablet/ 10 kg), lack of improvement (LI) in 1 male dog
IIId- slight improvement (SI) in 1 male dog Gr IV- IVa- evident improvement (EI) in 5 female dogs, slight improvement (SI) in 1 female dog, lack of improvement (LI) in 1 female dog
IVb- evident improvement (EI) just after 5 days in 1 female dog, slight improvement (SI) in 1 female dog after 5 days; UrinoVet Dog was given 7 days longer in dose of 2 tablets/5kg – evident improvement (EI). Both female dogs have been still given the drug in dose of 1 tablet/ 10 kg- lack of the clinical symptoms of the urinary tract disease
IVc- evident improvement (EI) in 1 female dog (it has been still given the drug in the
maintenance dose of 1 tablet/ 10 kg)
Evident Improvement (EI)- lack of any clinical symptoms of the lower urinary tract
Slight Improvement (SI)- urinary urgency, dysuria, periodic pollakiuria, slight haematuria (1-
2 days), periodically smelly urine
Lack of Improvement (LI)- pollakiuria, urinary urgency, stranguria, dysuria, vocalization
during urination, haematuria, periodically smelly urine, urination in the form of droplets,
urinary incontinence.
The preparation, mixed with wet fodder or given directly to the mouth, was readily eaten by the animals. Side and undesirable effects were not noted during the clinical trial. The medication slightly increased the water intake by the dogs, what gave a beneficial effect, boosting its activity by increasing diuresis and removing toxic and noxious substances from the lower urinary tract.
The drug occurred to be very effective for 13 animals having acute cystitis- evident improvement (EI) was noticed in 12 animals, what amounts to 92.3 %. Slight improvement was noted in 1 female dog (7.7%). In the group of the animals with chronic cystitis evident improvement (EI) was observed in 14 dogs of 21 examined (66.7%), slight improvement (SI) in 4 animals (19%) and lack of improvement in 3 animals (14.3%). In the dogs diagnosed with urolithiasis the drug occurred to be effective in 40%- evident improvement (EI) was noted in 2 dogs of 5 examined. In 3 animals slight improvement (SI) was observed- 60%, but after increasing dose to 2 tablets/ 5 kg evident improvement was noted on the next 7 days. Cystolithotomy was performed in 5 animals having urolithiasis. Earlier the animals had been catheterized, due to the urethra obstruction. They were given UrinoVet Dog in higher dose (2 tablets/ 5 kg for 5 days). In 4 of 5 animals evident improvement (EI) was noted- 80%. In 1 dog (20%) lack of improvement (LI) was observed. All the animals that underwent the surgical procedures have been still given the drug in the maintenance dose (1 tablet/ 10 kg) without recurrence of the clinical symptoms of the urinary tract diseases.
Summarising, one can note, that the preparation UrinoVet Dog produced by Vet Planet may be effective in treatment of the canine urinary tract diseases. The medication does not cause side and undesirable effects in dose of 1 tablet/ 5 kg, as well as in dose increased by 100%, independently from the length of the application. It may be used in the treatment and the prophylaxis of the canine urinary tract diseases.