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Pilot clinical trial on the VetoSkin® preparation in dogs with atopic dermatitis
The aim of this trial was to evaluate the clinical effect of VetoSkin® supplementation in dogs with atopic dermatitis fed the same diet. The control group consisted of 10 dogs selected to meet the same criteria as the trial group. All patients were given one capsule of VetoSkin® per...
UrinoVet Dog
Result of clinical trial of the medication UrinoVet Dog
Clinical trial of the medication Urinovet Dog produced by Vet Planet Ltd. was conducted in the Veterinary Policlinic and the Clinical Diagnostics Faculty of the Veterinary Medicine Department at the Warmian-Masurian University in Olsztyn. The drug was delivered directly by the...
Phantom pregnancy. How to support the owner and the animal?
Michał Jank, DVM Tomasz Ciszewski, DVM
Almost every owner of an unspayed female dog must have experienced at least once the symptoms of phantom pregnancy in their pet. These symptoms, even if sometimes significantly different in terms of their intensity and...
Hepatiale Forte
The effectiveness of preparation Hepatiale Forte in the treatment of the hepatic disorders in dogs.
The liver is the greatest and the most solid organ in the body, situated strategically between the digestive system and the centre of the circulatory system. It is well vascularized, veins gathering blood from the abdominal...
To support or not to support – supplements in dogs with advanced heart failure
Magdalena Garncarz, DVM PhD, Marta Parzeniecka-Jaworska DVM PhD
Department of Pathology and Veterinary Diagnostics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland
Supplementary therapy for patients with heart diseases has been in use for a...
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